Roberto's Crime Survey

We can make our streets and villages safer across Scarborough and Whitby with your help.

The government has met its pledge to recruit 20,000 extra police officers England and Wales. That means, we now have 251 more police officers for North Yorkshire. And we're making sure they have the tools and the funding to do their jobs.

Now we need to ensure that our extra police are focused on your local priorities. That's why we're asking for your help.

We have a plan to make Scarborough and Whitby an even better place to live. And we want it to be shaped by residents like you.

So will you tell us your priorities for cutting crime in Scarborough and Whitby?

Whatever your priorities are for cutting crime, we want to hear them.

It only takes a few minutes to fill in this survey, so fill it in and tell us your local priorities.


Roberto's Crime Survey

What are your top priorities for our new police? Please choose THREE
How safe do you feel walking around our streets? On a scale of 0-10, where 0 is extremely unsafe and 10 is extremely safe.
Have you or a family member recently witnessed crime?
If you answered yes to the previous question, was it dealt with quickly and satisfactorily?
Do you support Roberto's campaign for a zero tolerance approach to antisocial behaviour and tougher sentences for violent criminals?

How strongly would you support the following measures to cut crime in our local area?

Increasing the number of police out on patrol.
Using new technology to cut time spent on paperwork and help identify suspects
More investment in North Yorkshire Police's Rural Task Force to protect rural businesses
Which two of the following would make you feel safer?