Roberto's Housing Survey

Thousands of houses have been built in Whitby and Scarborough without the necessary local services such as GPs, dentists and transport infrastructure accompanying them.

So help me do something about it.

Will you take my housing development survey, and help get better services delivered for you and your family?

From Whitby to Scalby and Cayton to Ayton, urban sprawl is causing disruption to our communities. Whilst we need new homes for local people across North Yorkshire, too many are being forced onto our area.

But we can stop it getting worse. That's why I'm working with local people to campaign for:

  • New homes to be affordable and prioritised for local people.
  • The protection of green spaces and farmland
  • Protections to stop family homes being turned into houses in multiple occupation or short-term holiday lets.

So, will you share your views on what you think will make a real difference for Scarborough and Whitby?

I'll be working closely with government to secure more investment in services and reform planning rules. And will work with the Council, to make your views heard.

I can make the case even stronger if you take my survey. 

Together, we can protect our community from further overdevelopment.

Housing Survey

Do you back my campaign to stop the overdevelopment of our villages and towns and protect our green spaces in North Yorkshire Council's future local plan?

How important are the following issues for you when considering housing policy?

Preserving our natural environment and green spaces.
Ensuring local development is sustainable and supports improvements to local infrastructure such as transport and health services.
Ensuring we meet house building targets set by the council and any future government.
What other measures would you support for future housing and to stop overdevelopment more generally? Please tick any you support.
Which other local issues are most important to you and your family? Please tick three