About Roberto Weeden-Sanz

I am delighted to have been selected to stand to represent you and Scarborough and Whitby at the next election. I know how special our constituency is and am determined to be a champion for Whitby, Scarborough and our villages if elected and help realise the great potential our communities have. My family have lived in Yorkshire for three generations, and having studied and spent my career working in London, I have recently moved to South Cliff in Scarborough.

I spent most of my career working for a youth charity before moving into finance and have served as a local councillor for a number of years. Before entering politics I was a special constable and I am passionate about giving back; I continue to volunteer with charities supporting the homeless and the disabled. 

Coming from a farming family, I know that our farmers and fishing community are the backbone of our country and I will always defend their interests and our rural way of life and make sure government is on their side.

We have the most beautiful coast in the country but Scarborough is in need of improvement and investment. If elected I will be an enthusiastic voice to improve our town centre, secure investment in local infrastructure to improve bus and train services and dual the A64 and work to make Scarborough a town worthy of its status as England's First Resort.

I am also passionate about maintaining a sense of community in our villages and neighbourhoods which so many places have lost; I organised a Coronation street party to help bring neighbours who have never met together. However, that community is threatened if Whitby and our seaside villages are left empty and locals are forced out and all replaced by holiday lets. I support the government's plans for stricter legislation to regulate short term holiday lets and will work to clamp down on empty properties so that young people do not have to leave their home to find somewhere to live.

I will be spending the coming months visiting all parts of the constituency and hope to get to meet you soon. In the meantime if you have any ideas or want to support my campaign please get in touch!
