Our Plan

I am standing to be our MP for Scarborough and Whitby because I believe in the incredible potential that our towns and villages have. It has been a difficult few years, but with a new vision, energy and enthusiasm I believe we can fulfil Scarborough and Whitby's potential to not just be the most beautiful part of our country but to also be the best place to live in the UK.

The challenges we have faced, as a country and around the world, have been unprecedented. As we recover from the wasted years of parliamentary antics stonewalling Brexit and the economic impact of the Covid pandemic, we are now experiencing a global energy and inflation crisis, driven by the war in Ukraine. But together I know we can bounce back, better than ever before.

It is a privilege to be given the opportunity to stand up for Scarborough and Whitby and be the champion for communities living across the constituency. We have Britain's best coastline, a history going back centuries and huge potential to be the UK's leading seaside destination, to be at the heart of the green industrial revolution, with the Hornsea windfarms and Woodsmith mine leading the way, and create a rural powerhouse, given the importance of energy and food independence, particularly after recent global events.

However, I know all too well how many in our community are suffering. We have some of the most deprived areas in the country in Scarborough and Whitby, and many children and young people are being let down by the lack of opportunities in education and employment. It takes far too long for people to get appointments with their GP or dentist. Our fishing and farming communities are struggling following the crustacean die off and subsidy uncertainties after the last few years.

For as long as I am your candidate and if you elect me to serve as our MP I will work tirelessly to bang the drum to attract investment into Scarborough and Whitby and create a better future for all, to improve our town centres, to clamp down on crime and antisocial behaviour and to improve the transport infrastructure which is holding us back. I will be a voice for those who feel they are never heard and I will work with the future Mayor of North Yorkshire, North Yorkshire Council and the Government to give our area the attention and support it needs to thrive.

Scarborough and Whitby's best days can be ahead of it. I have a plan to breathe new energy into our towns and villages and unleash the potential that we all know they have, but I also want to hear from you and what you think we need to do to create the community we want to live in. If you would like my help or support, please get in touch.

Please do take a look at the six priorities which I will be campaigning on, following conversations with local people and neighbours across the constituency, in Our Plan to make Scarborough and Whitby an even better place to live and work!

I look forward to meeting you soon

Roberto Weeden-Sanz

Your Conservative Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for Scarborough and Whitby